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Tel: 0915 031 817 or 01686 530 609
Tel: 0915 031 817 or 01686 530 609
Email: sale10@tmpvietnam.com
- IQ3 Range multi-turn electric actuators can be used for isolation or regulating duties of up to 60 starts per hour. IQ3 Range actuators can be supplied as watertight or explosion-proof, watertight variants
- Direct torque output range from 14 Nm (10 lbf ft) to 3,000 Nm (2,200 lbf ft)
- With the addition of second stage gearboxes, multi-turn output torque up to 43,000 Nm and quarter turn up to 1,000,000 Nm is available
- Enhanced sealing and maintenance access
- All new design with updated visual appearance
- Absolute position measurement with naturally redundant position sensor
- Best in class display, communications, diagnostics and HMI
- Configurable using Bluetooth® or infra-red
- Designed to support asset management
- “Future Proofed” to allow all metaded software to be upgraded in the field
- Insight2 provides enhanced product data management
Hiện nay chúng tôi đang là đại lý hãng Rotork tại Việt Nam
Model Sản Phẩm:
Rotork Electric Actuators: |
+ IQ3 – 3rd Generation |
+ IQ Pro Range |
+ IQT Pro Range |
+ Q Compact Quarter-turn Actuator |
+ A Range Multi-turn Actuator |
+ NA Actuator for Nuclear Powerplants |
+ AWT Multi-turn Actuator |
+ ROM Compact Quarter-turn Actuator |
+ ROMpak Compact Quarter-turn Actuator |
+ ExMax quarter-turn explosionproof actuators |
+ ExRun/ExLin linear explosionproof actuators |
+ ExCos/ExBin HVAC sensors and switches |
+ ExReg HVAC control systems |
+ Fire Protection Systems and Solutions |
Rotork Fluid Power Actuators: |
+ CP Compact Pneumatic Actuator |
+ DH Hydraulic Damper |
+ GO Gas-Over-Oil-Actuator |
+ GP Large Pneumatic Actuator |
+ GH Large Hydraulic Actuator |
+ Rotork-Hiller Nuclear Actuators |
+ HPG High-Pressure-Gas Actuator |
+ HPU Hydraulic Power Unit |
+ K-Tork Pneumatic Vane Actuator |
+ PM/DM Series rotary pneumatic damper drives |
+ FasTraK retrofit damper drive |
+ AH Series high-cycle actuator |
+ CT Series linear damper drive |
+ JR Series damper drive |
+ LX Series pneumatic linear damper drive |
+ LP Linear Pneumatic Actuator |
+ LH Linear Hydraulic Actuator |
+ ManPower Fail-Safe Actuator Control System |
+ Power Handwheel Valve Operator |
+ RCR Range Pneumatic Piston Actuators |
+ GT Range pneumatic piston actuators |
+ Remote Control Range |
+ RH Hydraulic Rack & Pinion |
+ RHQ Extreme-duty Rack & Pinion Hydraulic Actuators |
+ SI Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe |
+ EH Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe |
+ SB Electro-Hydraulic Failsafe |
+ Subsea Hydraulic Actuator |
+ Smart Valve Monitor Partial Stroke Testing |
Rotork Process Control Actuators: |
+ CMA Range |
+ CVA Range |
+ GPSA Electric Control Valve Actuator |
+ MV-1000/VA-1000 Linear Actuator |
+ MV-1500 Linear Actuator |
+ SM-1000 Rotary Actuator |
+ SM-1100/SM-1500/SM-1600 Rotary Actuator |
+ SM-1700/SM-5000 Heavy Duty Rotary Actuator |
+ SM-6000 Heavy Duty Rotary Actuator |
+ LA2400 Heavy Duty Linear Actuator |
+ LA-2500 Heavy Duty Linear Actuator |
+ Jordan Legacy Products |
Rotork Gearboxes and Accessories: |
+ 300 Light Duty Qtr-turn Manual Gearbox |
+ 232 Qtr-turn Manual Worm Gearbox |
+ 242 Qtr-turn Manual Worm Gearbox |
+ AB Qtr-turn Manual Gearbox |
+ IW Qtr-turn Motorised Worm Gearbox |
+ IW Qtr-turn Manual Worm Gearbox |
+ IW Quarter Turn Gearbox AWWA Spec |
+ MOW Qtr-turn Modulating Gearbox |
+ MTW Multi-Turn Worm Gearbox |
+ NTBG Series – Non Thrust Bevel GOST |
+ ILGD Qtr Turn Gearbox |
+ ILGS Qtr turn gearbox |
+ WGS Heavy Duty Subsea Gearbox |
+ IB Motorised Multi-Turn Bevel Gearbox |
+ IS Motorised Multi-Turn Spur Gearbox |
+ IS Manual Multi-Turn Spur Gearbox |
+ IB/AS Bevel and Spur Combinations |
+ HOB Hand Operated Bevel Gearbox |
+ RAB Radial Acceptance Gearbox |
+ 1:1 Bevel Gearbox for Shaft Direction Changing |
+ DSB Twin shaft Multi-turn Bevel Gearbox |
+ DSIR Dual Speed Input Reducer |
+ IWN Quarter-Turn Nuclear Gearbox |
+ IBN Multi-Turn Bevel Nuclear Gearbox |
+ ISN Multi-Turn Spur Nuclear Gearbox |
+ 242PQuarter-Turn Worm Nuclear Gearbox |
+ Solenoid Valves |
+ Complete range of steel mounting kits |
+ Uniflex Stow Extensions |
+ Extension Spindles |
+ Quarter turn valve adaption |
+ Soldo Switchbox |
+ Spring Return Handle |
+ Pack/Assy/Test Stroke Tested Packages |
+ Valve Accessories – Handwheels |
+ Locking Devices |
+ Lever Arms |
+ Chainwheels for hand operation |
+ AB-CS – Continuously Submerged quarter-turn gear operators |
+ AB-SS – SS Qtr turn Operator |
+ FB Quarter-Turn Gearbox fire protection |
Rotork Precision Control Instruments: |
Rotork Pneumatic Valves and Manifolds: |
+ 3525 Series Compact Filter Regulator |
+ 1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″ Filter Regulators |
+ 1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″ Filters |
+ 1/4″, 1/2″, 3/4″ Pressure Regulators |
+ 3/4″, 1″ Filter Regulators |
+ 3/4″, 1″ Filters |
+ 3/4″, 1″ Pressure Regulators |
+ 1/2″ Lubricator |
+ 1 1/2″, 2″ Filter Regulators |
+ 1 1/2″, 2″ Filters |
+ 1 1/2″, 2″ Pressure Regulators |
+ OPD (Over Pressurisation Device) |
+ 1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1 1/4″, 1 1/2″, 2″ Pilot Operated Poppet Valve |
+ 3″ Pilot Operated Poppet Valve |
+ 1/4″, 3/8″, 1/2″ Pilot Solenoid Operated Poppet Valve |
+ 3/4″, 1″, 1 1/4″, 1 1/2″, 2″, 3″ Pilot Solenoid Operated Poppet Valve |
+ Plunger or Lever Roller Operated Poppet Valve |
+ Pilot Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Double Pilot Operated Spool Valve |
+ Pilot Servo Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Pilot Operated Spool Valve with Latch Lock Manual Reset |
+ Pilot Operated Spool Valve Reverse Latch Lock Manual Reset |
+ Plunger Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Roller Lever Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Roller Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Manually Operated Switch 2 Position Positive Detent / Manually Operated Switch Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Pad Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Pad Operated Spool Valve Push Pull with or without Detent |
+ Pad Operated Pilot Air Return Spool Valve |
+ Pad (To Pull) or Pilot Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Pad (To Pull) Spring Return Spool Valve with Pilot Latch |
+ Pad (To Pull) Spring Return Spool Valve with Pilot Latch and Visual Indicator |
+ Pad (To Pull) Spring Return Spool Valve with Pilot and Manual Latch |
+ Pad (To Pull) Spring Return Spool Valve with Pilot and Manual Latch and Visual Indicator |
+ Pad Operated (Push-Pull) Spool Valve with Position Indicator Switch |
+ Fusible Bulb Operated Spool Valve |
+ Key Operated Spool Valve 2 Position Positive |
+ Key Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Button Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Button Guarded Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Lever Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Lever Operated (Detented) Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Double Pilot Solenoid Operated Spool Valve |
+ Pilot Solenoid Operated Pilot Air Return Spool Valve |
+ Pilot Solenoid Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ Pilot Solenoid Operated Spool Valve Latch Lock Manual Reset |
+ Pilot Solenoid Operated Spool Valve Reverse Latch Lock Manual Reset |
+ 1600 Series Pilot Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Double Pilot Operated Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Pilot Operated Latch Lock Manual Reset Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Pilot Operated Reverse Latch Lock Manual Reset Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Spool Valve Pad Operated (Push Pull) / Pad Operated (Push Pull) Detented |
+ 1600 Series Spool Valve Key Operated 2 Position Positive / Key Operated Spring Return |
+ 1600 Series Pad Operated Pilot Return Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Pad Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Lever Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Lever Operated (Detented) Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Pilot Solenoid Operated Spring Return Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Double Pilot Solenoid Operated Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Pilot Solenoid Operated Latch Lock Manual Reset Spool Valve |
+ 1600 Series Pilot Solenoid Operated Reverse Latch Lock Manual Reset Spool Valve |
Rotork Fairchild Viet nam Distributor |
Fairchild Industrial Products Company |
Fairchild TD6000-421U |
Fairchild TD6000-422U |
Fairchild Z19586-4516AU |
Brand: AT2E – Mark-10 – Matsui – Taiyo – Bircher – Wise Control – Brooks Instrument – Nireco –– Redlion – Anritsu – Elettrotek Kable – Novotechnik – AS Scholer + Bolte GmbH – Presto – FSG – Koehler Instrument – Mehrer – Minimax –Pefufer – Redlion – Presto– Koehler – United Electric (UE) – Bihl + Wiedemann – Masibus – Pora – Leine linde – Endress Hauser – Sick – Puls Power..
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